

Abstraction allows me the freedom to paint what I see and not what everyone else sees, it allows the viewer to experience the joy and wonder of the natural world that spills out of me and into a painting. When my work resonates with a viewer it increases the significance of that work in a way that often has no words, just emotion. It creates a conversation between a human being and an object.

My primary focus is on fields of color, noticing where one color meets another, how they relate to one another, how texture affects these fields, how nature influences everything and then find a way to create a story within these elements. There is a visible energy that pushes and pulls a painting into its completion and my hope is to deepen that mystery for the viewer, to ignite their imagination, to see what it is they feel.

The process of working with wax takes my curiosity on an adventure into the unknown by mixing colors, adding multiple layers of molten wax with a propane torch, incising, scraping, building textural elements or smoothing the surface. All of these considerations communicate a visceral expression of my time spent in nature, traveling, childhood memories of growing up on a farm or daydreaming under a big, open sky.

”The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery” - Francis Bacon